Knee wall spaces
This knee wall space shares a wall with a conditioned space. The homeowner is having a problem with that room being too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. The fiberglass insulation on the shared wall isn't offering much in the way of preventing heat transference or loss.

Air Sealing & Insulation
Foam board insulation is installed and air sealed over the existing fiberglass insulation to add additional R-value. Enclosing the fiberglass on all sides makes the material more effective and air sealing as well as adding the additional R-value from the foam board will reduce the heat loss/transfer between the hot knee wall space and conditioned living space.

Attic Access
The door to your attic space is a huge culprit of air loss. It is uninsulated and has gaps allowing air to flow around it easily.

Insulated Attic Access
Knowing this is a key source of heat and air loss, we make sure to insulate the attic access and reduce as much heat transfer as possible.

Insulating the Floor
Finally, we need to insulate the floor of the room or the garage ceiling. This is done by creating holes in each floor cavity and packing the space with cellulose insulation.