Mold and Mildew Growth
High relative humidity and warm temperatures in the crawl space have resulted in microbial growth on the floor joists.

Open Crawl Space Vents
Open crawl space vents were intended to allow enough air to flow under the home to keep it dry, but instead, warm, humid air gets trapped in the crawl space raising the relative humidity and causing moisture damage.

6-mil Vapor Barrier
A 6-mil vapor barrier is standard in most crawl spaces, however, it isn't very durable nor is it sealed. This vapor barrier is held in place with u-shaped stakes and the liner is easily displaced or torn by rodents, critters, and service persons crawling under the home.

Air Sealing & Insulating
All vents, penetrations to the outside, the sill plate, and the rim band are sealed to prevent as much outside air as possible from getting into the crawl space. The walls are ready to be insulated with closed-cell spray foam with an R-10 value.

A Durable Vapor Barrier
The CleanSpace vapor barrier is rolled out on the crawl space floor. All seams are overlapped and sealed, it is wrapped and sealed around all piers and mechanically fastened to the foundation walls 6-8 inches above outside grade then sealed. This isolates the crawl space from the earth's moisture.