Falling Fiberglass Insulation
Over time, Fiberglass Batt Insulation in a vented crawl space absorbs moisture and condensation. The moisture causes the material to begin to delaminate, separating from itself and dripping down. As the batts take on more water, not only do that hold it against the floor joists, but they become heavier, sagging, and falling away from the floors. This leaves the homeowner with cold, uninsulated floors.

Missing & Damaged Vapor Barrier
At construction, a 6-mil vapor barrier is installed in the crawl space. The liner is staked down to the ground adding holes to an already flimsy material. Due to how delicate a 6-mil barrier is, similar to a trash bag, it is easily torn and does not stand up well to the critters and pests that like to make their home in a damp crawl space. Over time, the material deteriorates and is shifted allowing moisture into the crawl space.

Mold and Mildew Growth on Crawl Space Joists
It is extremely common for crawl spaces to have mold growth on the floor joists. As an organic material, wood floor joists are a food source for mold that otherwise only needs warm temperatures and high relative humidity to grow. This microbial growth occurs right under your feet and affects the indoor air quality of your home, contributing to indoor allergies and can irritate individuals with asthma.

Mold Candy
The paper backing on fiberglass insulation is candy for mold. Just like floor joists, this mold is directly under your feet, and against your sub floor. Even as the insulation falls away from the floor, it is still impacting the indoor air quality of your home, some homeowners even notice mildew odors in their home.

Ductwork in the Crawl Space
This Ductwork isn't airtight. There are gaps all along the duct lines such as at collars, joints, and even where the line meets the floor. These gaps can be big enough to fit a finger in between and allow for dust and allergens to get into the system, and for air you're paying to heat and cool to escape. Leaky ducts can be indicated by high energy bills, an excess of dust in the home, or dirt around the registers.